Drone-to-Phone Remote ID: Pros and Cons

inspire 2 with drone pilot sunset

What is Drone to Phone Remote ID?

Drone to Phone Remote ID is similar to putting a license plate on your drone, it is a method to publicly identify your drone while operating in public air space. It also allows anyone to download an app to their smartphones to identify the flight path of the drone, the location of the pilot, and the ID number of the drone. The intention is to create safe airspace for pilots, hobbyists, aircraft towers, and anyone sharing the sky, though this technology has seen public outcry from the drone community. There are a few factors to consider with DJI’s Remote ID technology, though it is clear that the golden age of cinematic droning and flying freely is soon coming to an end; for better or for worse.

The technology works by sending a wifi signal between the drone and a general smartphone, utilizing the WiFi Alliance technology. Since it relies on the world standard of wifi connectivity, with a simple firmware update this technology can be rapidly implemented globally.

Timeline for Implementation

While the aviation regulators around the world are acting quick to implement this technology, there’s no telling when it will become mandatory for all pilots to enable flights. The US FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) made claims that they’d release their mandatory remote ID proposal by the end of 2019. The policy drafting and implementation would take more than a year to get everything in place and passed into Law.

On the other hand, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) will start enforcing remote ID requirements in July 2020.

DJI Inspire Controller Remote ID Technology Drone to Phone


  • The technology will reduce or prevent illegal flights

  • The Remote ID is meant to create safer skies

  • This technology will make it easier to plan flight paths in coordination with other drone pilots.

  • Civilians will be able to easily access flight data in their immediate area so they won’t be caught off guard with surprise drones overheard.

  • Overall addresses: Safety, Security, and Accountability for the people who fly them by letting authorities and the public access your information.

    • This is an attempt to enforce the accountability of illegal flights, rather than following the general restriction guidelines.


  • Endangers pilots by revealing their flight location to the public, as pilots usually carry around very expensive gear with them. They can become targets of crime, mugging, and burglary when they’re displayed not at home.

  • It should not be available to the public, but the technology makes sense for the police to have only if they are officials who specifically have the right to enforce Drone Laws or are first responders.

  • The amount of drone issues is very small relative to the purpose of government lobbying and control. Pilots are having their freedoms squelched.

  • Violates data privacy laws.

  • Professional drone pilots are already required to register and pass the Part 107 Commercial Drone Operators exam, and issued a license, flyer and operator ID number, which makes us already accountable to FAA and law enforcement. Thes imposed regulations are overkill to an already preventative aerial landscape.

  • This could theoretically cause local wifi congestion and weaken connections.

  • The license plate system we use for cars doesn’t tell strangers where to find other drivers after a road rage situation, this could pose problems for public disputes when applied to Drones.

  • Poses a potential risk of cybercrimes, since the Drones could be hacked over the WiFi system.


What do you think about this Drone to Phone Remote ID technology being implemented? A lot of pilots are turning to the FPV racing world for Cinematic video purposes. These drones, while technically still may be subject to similar laws in the future are currently not affected by DJI’s app implementation of Drone to Phone Remote ID.

Will you feel safer as a civilian, more restricted as a pilot, or do you think the updates are unnecessary? Let us know in the comments!

DJI Inspire Controller Remote ID Technology Drone to Phone

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Mike Lindle

Mike Lindle blends a background in corporate consulting, project management, and strategy with an obsession for emerging camera tech and specialty cinematics. Channeling 10+ years of professional experience into leading production, campaign, and experiential initiatives to craft media that ignites imaginations. He thrives on sparking narratives that connect, inspire, and elevate, transforming communications initiatives and creative marketing goals.


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