Learn, Aerial Mike Lindle Learn, Aerial Mike Lindle

Drone-to-Phone Remote ID: Pros and Cons

Drone to Phone Remote ID is similar to putting a license plate on your drone, it is a method to publicly identify your drone while operating in public air space. It also allows anyone to download an app to their smartphones to identify the flight path of the drone, the location of the pilot, and the ID number of the drone.

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Learn, Submission Submission Learn, Submission Submission

How to Shoot Motion Blur on Moving Vehicles: Drones + DJI Mavic Mini

To take such a photo you need a slow your shutter speed. Explore the flight path in advance to avoid obstacles, traffic signs, trees etc. Point the drone in the direction facing your subject. Start flying along just before the vehicle comes into view so that the vehicle slowly appears on the screen and try to follow at the same speed of the vehicle.

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