Learn, Aerial Mike Lindle Learn, Aerial Mike Lindle

Drone-to-Phone Remote ID: Pros and Cons

Drone to Phone Remote ID is similar to putting a license plate on your drone, it is a method to publicly identify your drone while operating in public air space. It also allows anyone to download an app to their smartphones to identify the flight path of the drone, the location of the pilot, and the ID number of the drone.

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Submission, Learn Submission Submission, Learn Submission

Moment Anamorphic Filter + Mavic 2 Pro

The first thing that struck me when I opened the Moment anamorphic lens case for the DJI Mavic 2 Pro was "wow that's a beautifully made piece of kit ". The lens flares beautifully with that classic blue line that identifies itself proudly as an anamorphic lens. The footage was shot in the Maldives at Mirihi island resort

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