Waterfall Beneath the Stars: Sony a7s + Sigma 24-70
This picture was taken in Luxembourg at the Schießentümpel. It is a very beautiful area, especially for hiking. I decided to do a time-blending for the picture because it was a very stormy night and the trees and plants were completely blurred due to the movement.
Milky Way's Galactic Core at Tenerife: H-Alpha Modified Nikon D800a
Working with a focal length of 85mm was exciting and promising while the first test shoots revealed some extraordinary details of the galaxy’s dust lanes and nebulae. But if you work with such a sensitive and unprotected setup you never know how far you will get. With such a narrow lens you need many images to get a balanced good-looking Panorama - so there are many chances to mess up the whole project and go home empty-handed.