RED Cine Series as a Service

Service Offering

Reserved for the highest quality projects, using the RED cinema cameras + lenses are a must to achieve raw video recording, create the cinematic anamorphic style, and render a beautiful color depth in the editing room.

RED Dragon Cinema Camera


RED Cinema cameras are similar to traditional film cinema cameras in that they utilize cinema lenses, matte boxes, and follow focus systems. These advanced digital video cameras require an advanced workflow to achieve beautiful color renderings of the RED raw video files. RED Cinema Cameras are primarily used for:

+ Recording raw video for advanced color-grading

+ Shooting high frame rates for slow-mo

+ Low light and cinematic environments

+ Recording 4K+ UHD content

+ Flexibility in post-process

+ High-end productions

Yosemite Red Camping Cinema Camera

Equipment Options

+ RED Helium 8K

+ RED Gemini 6K

+ RED Scarlett 5K

+ RED Raven 4K

RED Cine Lens

RED Examples

Every project is unique! Schedule a Discovery Call with one of our Creative Directors and tell us about your production needs.

Mike Lindle

Mike Lindle blends a background in corporate consulting, project management, and strategy with an obsession for emerging camera tech and specialty cinematics. Channeling 10+ years of professional experience into leading production, campaign, and experiential initiatives to craft media that ignites imaginations. He thrives on sparking narratives that connect, inspire, and elevate, transforming communications initiatives and creative marketing goals.

Stabilized Aerial Cinematography as a Service


Deserted | American Southwest | Aerial + Drone 4K