Spots Mike Lindle Spots Mike Lindle

Istanbul, Turkey Photography Guide Part 2 - Hidden Landmarks

Do you have more than a few days to explore Istanbul? Have you already walked along the Hippodrome and seen Istanbul’s old town in Sultan Ahmet? Here are a few off-the-beaten path locations in Istanbul that are sure to inspire your creative direction. Follow along with this 4 part photography guide, outlining some of the best locations across Istanbul and Turkey to photograph and explore. I was lucky to travel through Istanbul/Turkey in 2014 with my first digital camera.

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Spots Mike Lindle Spots Mike Lindle

Istanbul, Turkey Photography Guide Part 1 - Common Path

Planning on exploring the city that joins Europe and Asia? If yes, you are in for an amazing experience. A city divided by the Bosphorous (river), this destination is truly unique where world cultures and global heritages collide to deliver some of earth’s best architecture and most interesting culture. (The food is among the best as well)

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