Case Studies Mike Lindle Case Studies Mike Lindle

Hybrid Work at Microsoft

This brand identity activation, filmed using a custom-built heavy-lift FPV Drone, flies through Microsoft’s Silicon Valley Campus in one continuous shot. The drone captures a unique perspective of how employees operate in a modernized and flexible workplace. Spotlighting efficiencies within both on-site and work-from-home scenarios, it becomes clear that flexibility is the future of hybrid work. This video deliverable highlights Microsoft’s initiative to continually provide employees with flexibility in an ever-changing work environment.

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Case Studies Mike Lindle Case Studies Mike Lindle

Microsoft Silicon Valley

This video campaign of Microsoft’s Silicon Valley campus in Mountain View, filmed using DJI Inspire 2’s and a RED Komodo, debuts the newly completed property, highlighting the campus’ integration with the natural wetland ecosystem and carbon negative green initiatives.

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Aerial Mike Lindle Aerial Mike Lindle

Hybrid Work at Microsoft | FPV One Take | Behind the Scenes

This video takes viewers behind the scenes of the Microsoft FPV One Take titled "Hybrid Work at Microsoft." Filmed using a Panasonic GH5 and custom-built heavy-lift FPV Drones, the aircraft flies through Microsoft’s Silicon Valley Campus in one continuous single-shot capturing a unique perspective of how Microsoft employees operate in a modernized and flexible workplace.

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